Gladiator K-Nine FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does the K-Nine Collar treat anxiety?

Infrared therapy has a calming effect on the nervous system — tension is relieved, and a feeling of relaxation and comfort in the body is created. It also has a preventive and therapeutic effect, eliminating insomnia, stress, and nervousness.

2. How safe is infrared therapy?

The device is non-invasive and passive with no contraindications, In addition to its calming effect, it is well-known for reducing inflammation and increasing circulation in the body.

3. What are infrared rays?

Infrared rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than visible light but shorter than microwaves. They are part of the electromagnetic spectrum and are often associated with heat because they are emitted by objects that are warm or hot.

Infrared rays are divided into three categories: near-infrared, mid-infrared, and far-infrared. Each type has different applications and characteristics.

4. Can the collar help with canine anxiety?

Our collars can help calm your dog which can help with multiple variations of canine anxiety. This includes separation anxiety, weather anxiety, trauma, and more anxiety issues in your canine companion.

5. Can I add the K-Nine Collar to an already established treatment plan?

In most cases, our collar can be added to an already existing treatment plan. Our collars supplement other treatment plans. Always talk to your canine’s pet before if your canine is already prescribed for treatment.

6. Is the K-Nine Collar safe for puppies?

Yes, the collar can be used on dogs of all sizes and ages.

7. How long before it starts working?

It may consume 5-10 minutes for the ambient body heat of the dog to activate the ceramics.

8. What will the dog feel while wearing the device?

The dog will feel calm and the muscles will feel more relaxed.

9. Does the reduced anxiety last after the collar is removed?

The effect will dissipate shortly after the device is removed, therefore it must be worn to maintain the therapeutic benefits.

10. Can the device go in the laundry?

For general cleaning, the device can be cleaned by hand with detergent. We do not recommend cleaning it with laundry machines.

11. What is the product life of the device?

The patented ceramics do not wear out so the device can last indefinitely, unless broken.

12. Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with the use of this technology?

There are no known side effects associated with this infrared ray-powered technology. Gladiator Technology conducted extensive tests during the product development process to ensure its safety for both humans and animals.

13. Do Gladiator products generate heat?

No, Gladiator products do not produce heat as they are self-powered and autonomous.

14. What is the standard warranty on the K-Nine products?

Products have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Contact Gladiator K-Nine For More About Our Healing Collars

Gladiator K-Nine develops its collars to help a variety of dog breeds that come in many different shapes and sizes. This can help them with their behavioral issues, such as separation anxiety, and more. Contact us to learn more and how to get one for your dog.


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